The importance of core

woman planking at indoor gym woman planking at indoor gym
Is your back sore after you exercise? If you have a sore back, especially after intense workouts, it could be that you have not been strengthening your core.

The core is defined as the entire area below your chest to just above your knees. It is not just your “6-pack” that you need to work out. The core is the bridge between the upper and lower body, and the left and right side.

Your core muscles play a very important role in your exercising. A well-functioning core protects your spine, hips, knees and ankles, and creates a fluent and efficient movement. It helps position your body to transfer power between the different areas to produce an efficient motion. If there are any problems during the transfer of power between the different areas, your chance of injury increases.  

In athletes, most overuse injuries are related in some way to a dysfunction in the core musculature. If you want to exercise to the best of your ability, you must make sure your core is working at its best.

Click here to see a few core exercises that will help keep you moving and injury free.