Taking care of a crying baby can be a challenge for parents, but there are calming measures to help soothe your baby. -
Feeding baby
For new parents, feeding your baby can feel overwhelming. Questions about feeding baby are very common. -
Infant play and tummy time
Eighty percent of a child's brain development occurs in the first three years of life. -
Safe Sleep for Infants
You may be amazed to know that a lot of research goes into knowing how to keep babies safe while they sleep. -
Bathing Baby
Splish, splash - it’s time for your baby’s bath! But how often should you be having bath time? -
Swaddling and sleep sacks
Why swaddle? Swaddling can help to calm infants, reduce their startle reflex, promote sleep and can decrease the number of overnight awakenings. -
Fight the flu
Luckily, flu season occurs only once a year. But even one flu illness can be devastating for some patients. -
Staying active through the day
Life gets busy, and when it does, our exercise intentions are usually the first things to go by the wayside. -
Variety is the spice of life and your brain
The Alzheimer’s Association nationally recognizes June as Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. -
As women, we’re familiar with it. Menopause. But did you know there are three stages of menopause? -
Bladder control problems
Do you feel like you have to make too many urgent trips to the bathroom? -
What you should know about vaping
Vaping is inhaling a vapor created by an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) or other vaping device. -
Children and the stomach flu
A stomach flu that comes with vomiting and diarrhea is usually a viral infection. -
Hormonal changes and weight gain: how to avoid becoming another statistic
Not surprisingly, hormones and weight gain are closely intertwined. What contributes to the weight gain?