One year is a big milestone for both parents and children, with some much happening during the first year. It can be hard make sure your child is meeting all the developmental goals expected by his or her first birthday. Pediatricians help monitor childhood development. You may be given a lengthy form at the start of each office visit to determine things your child can or cannot do. This information helps your pediatrician gain a more complete understanding of your child’s development.

While each child is different, and abilities vary, it’s important to know what to expect. Some babies will be walking by one year, steady on their feet and ready to explore. Others will just be figuring out how to pull themselves up to stand.

Infants develop in many different areas as they move toward walking, talking and being interactive children. Their communication skills around age one change rapidly. Most will be ready to play interactive games like Peek-A-Boo. They are also learning to imitate others.

Those “mama” and “dada” sounds should be taking on more meaning at this age, even if everyone in the house now goes by “dada.” One-year-olds are also making leaps and bounds in conversation skills. You may not know what they are saying, but their jabbering should sound more conversational.

In addition to learning to express themselves by pointing at things or waving bye-bye, your child is also beginning to understand more of what you are saying. Around one year of age, children should be learning to follow simple directions/questions like, “bring me the book,” or “where is mama?” Those types of questions and directions can be a great way to distract and redirect—since in the coming months many children will start to exert their independence in the form of tantrums. Children at this age also become superb problem solvers. Hiding a toy or object under a blanket will now be met with a child who knows just where it went and how to find it.

While your baby learns to communicate, motor skills also improve. Large motor skills like walking can improve rapidly, and fine motor skills needed for playing with smaller toys, like blocks are also getting better. He or she may bang those blocks together, surprised by the noise it makes. Picking up a small crumb or snack becomes much easier and your child may even start to throw a ball.

Along with learning new skills and beginning to exert more independence, children at this age are able to get themselves into more trouble. Baby proofing becomes extremely important as your child becomes more mobile. Pulling on an unstable piece of furniture to stand up can lead to injuries, just like being able to reach new places that might hold potentially harmful items. There is a fine line between safety and allowing your child to explore the ever expanding world around them.

Your Prevea pediatrician will be following your child’s development at all of his or her well-child visits and will be able to discuss any concerns you may have. Early intervention is key if you are concerned your child is behind on developing new skills. Asking questions will give your pediatrician a chance to reassure you, or point you toward resources to help your child reach those milestones.