The desire to train without facing an injury is a challenge all runners face while training. No matter how fast or how far you run, it is important to take care of your body in the best ways possible. Here are a few ways to make sure you stay injury free during your training. 

Proper shoe fit 

The right pair of shoes can make or break your training. Getting a proper shoe fit is critical to reducing many injuries that can happen during training. Everyone’s feet are different and there are many options for running shoes, which can make it difficult to find the right match. To find the best and most proper fitting running shoe, locate a shoe store specializing in running shoes. If you do not have a store like that near you, please check out our guide on what to look for when buying running shoes. 

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Training plan 

While visiting a new area, one of the most important things to have is a map to guide you through new territory. When training, having a training plan is the same thing as having a map to help you get to where you want to be for your next race distance. Having a good training plan makes training enjoyable and easy to manage. It is important to ensure you steadily increase your mileage to reduce injuries from happening. If you increase too quickly, your chance of injury goes up significantly. Here are a couple training plan examples you can use to get you to your next start line. 

Warmup and stretch 

Proper warm-up and stretching are the keys to staying healthy while preparing for a race. A 5-to-10-minute warm-up prior to your training run is recommended to make sure the body is ready for the miles ahead. Active stretching can be done along with your warm-up and during your cool down after your run. Stretching before and after your run is beneficial in reducing chances of injury and soreness to your muscles and ligaments. To help get you started, we put together a simple warm-up and stretches guide to keep your body moving forward. 

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Running form 

Having proper running form takes some practice, but it is very helpful with reducing stress and strain on your body. Proper running form contains five parts to concentrate on: balance, cadence, posture, foot strike and arm swing. Working on these areas will not only help you prevent injury while running, but also help you run for longer periods of time. Check out our tips on how to have the perfect running form. 

Learn more about running form

Learn more about movement analysis 

Strength training/cross training 

Many runners think that the more they run, the stronger they become. While there is some truth to this, many of the best runners incorporate strength training and cross training as part of their program. Runners almost always run in one direction, forward, but the body moves in many other patterns that require training to prevent muscle imbalances and other injuries. To help you get started, we compiled ideas on what strength exercises to do and when to add them into your program. 

Learn more about strength training 

Learn more about cross training

Nutrition and hydration 

Proper nutrition and hydration are two key components to practice for successful training sessions and higher chances of completing a race. Consuming the appropriate amount of food and fluids while training will help enhance your overall performance and prevent injuries while running. As a runner, it is important to practice healthy nutrition and hydration strategies during your training to ensure you are getting enough of each to help keep you fueled for your race. Check out these articles on proper nutrition and how much you should be hydrating while training. 

Learn more about fuel for your body

Learn more about proper hydration

Aches and pains? 

We know that when an injury occurs and you are ready to address your pain, you want answers, and quickly. Rest assured, Prevea physicians and providers are available to help. We have many convenient options to care for you and your pain, for all ages, laid out in this easy-to-use chart. It will help you decide based on your concern, urgency, treatment needed, cost and availability. Of course, we are always just a phone call away at (920) 496-4700 to walk you through it and schedule your appointment as needed.