The truth about chemical peels

woman receiving a chemical peel woman receiving a chemical peel
No matter the skin type, chemical peels are an important part of skin health. They improve skin tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts and dark spots. Yet, many people are hesitant to get their first peel treatment. The post-peel reality is a glowing, healthy complexion, so don’t wait! Here’s everything you need to know before your first chemical peel:
  • Peeling is exfoliation. Your skin will peel or flake after a treatment. This is what we want! Your skin is shedding dead or damaged surface cells and revealing new, healthy skin cells. This is called cell turnover. It brings new, fresh skin to the surface, clears away dirt and debris, and reduces the signs of aging and sun damage.
  • You won’t necessarily experience visible peeling. This doesn’t mean your treatment is ineffective.  Everyone experiences different levels of peeling. Skin type, resilience, type of peel and the number of layers applied all play a role. Some people experience sheeting and flaking, while others may experience exfoliation that is not visible. If you don’t peel, your skin is still exfoliating, but it is happening at a cellular level that cannot be seen by the naked eye. 
  • Peels are easy to work into a busy lifestyle. There is no downtime with chemical peels. You will leave your appointment with a healthy glow and be able to carry on with your regular activities. Make sure to follow the post-procedure regimen recommended by your aesthetician to ensure maximum results and to keep redness to a minimum. 
Ready to give it a try? Schedule an appointment with a Prevea Aesthetician today.