Elizabeth Waerzeggers, MPT
Physical Therapist
Accepting new patients
I have been practicing pediatric physical therapy with Prevea Health since 2002 with additional affiliations prior in a variety of settings: outpatient, inpatient, early intervention, school and birth-to-three.
As a physical therapist, I have the distinct privilege of working with children and their families for a variety of needs. I believe in empowering children and their families through education and skilled therapy intervention and have faith in the power of play, that learning and exercise can be fun and exciting. Creating an optimal experience for children to improve their independence by challenging and inspiring them to be the best they can be is important to me! I have been a blessed to be part of so many magical moments when children make many of their "firsts" – first movements, first reaches and first steps. I am fortunate to be able to share these moments and be an instrument and educator for families.
Patients and families can expect to learn about their bodies, how they move and ways to make life a little easier. I have completed a significant amount of post-graduate work always pertaining to the pediatric patient including some of the following: treatment for pediatric oncology, incontinence, movement disorders (spasticity, neuromuscular disorders and muscle tone concerns), handling/treatment (NDT) of the infant, serial casting, torticollis as well as pediatric equipment and orthotics. I am involved in clinical research and am part of a team of international experts within pediatrics.
I am a Green Bay native. My husband and I have three daughters who inspire me to be the best mother and wife I can be. I am involved with many local charities including Muscular Dystrophy Clinic. I have formerly been involved with the Dudley Birder Chorale and Music Theater Program, as a lifelong dancer and have been proud to now watch my children pursue their own activities and dreams.
I love my job! "Be The Difference" was the challenge my alma mater, Marquette University, bestowed on me and one I aspire to daily. I am inspired to come to work every day, with the optimism and faith that I am going to strive for excellence, make a difference and be the difference!”
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