Communication preferences

Communication with your care team in between appointments is key. Manage which alerts from MyPrevea or MyHSHS you wish to receive – and how to receive them. Patients can receive notices of appointments, test results, billing statements and more!

Choose whether you want to be notified by email, text message* or both.

MyPrevea (MyChart by Epic)

To update your preferences online, click here to login.

In the top left corner, click the Menu button.

screenshot of in the top left corner, click the Menu button. 

In the expanded menu, scroll to the bottom where you will find a section for Account Settings. Click Communication Preferences.

screenshot of the menu in scroll to the bottom until you've reached account settings. Click on Communication Preferences.


In your communication preferences, you will find several communication categories: appointments, messages, health, billing, etc. Each section expands for additional communication preferences. Open each section and choose preference. Available communication preferences will be shown with a grey icon. Preference is selected when icon is blue.

screenshot of the menu in In your communication preferences, you will find several communication categories: appointments, messages, health, billing, etc. Each section expands for additional communcation preferences. Open each section and choose preference. Available communicaion preferences will be shown with a grey icon. Preference is selected when icon is blue.



MyPrevea mobile app

To enable push notifications, settings can be managed directly on your mobile device. Communication preferences must be updated by login into the desktop version of MyPrevea as instructed above. 

In the top right corner, tap on the letter icon, then tap on Account Settings.

screenshot of MyPrevea app: In the top right corner, tap on the letter icon, then tap on Account Settings.

In account settings, scroll down to toggle on or off notifications. Preference is selected when toggle is blue. 

screenshot of MyPrevea app: in account settings, scroll down to toggle on or off notifications. Preference is selected when toggle is blue.

Additional app notification preferences can be applied in your device notification preferences. 


MyHSHS (MyChart by Epic)

To update your preferences online, click here to login.


In the top left corner, click the Menu button.

screenshot of in the top left corner, click the Menu button.


In the expanded menu, scroll to the bottom where you will find a section for Account Settings. Click Communication Preferences.

screenshot of the menu in scroll to the bottom until you've reached account settings. Click on Communication Preferences.


In your communication preferences, you will find several communication categories: appointments, messages, health, billing, etc. Each section expands for additional communication preferences. Open each section and choose preference. Available communication preferences will be shown with a grey icon. Preference is selected when icon is blue.

screenshot of the menu in In your communication preferences, you will find several communication categories: appointments, messages, health, billing, etc. Each section expands for additional communcation preferences. Open each section and choose preference. Available communicaion preferences will be shown with a grey icon. Preference is selected when icon is blue.

*Text message alerts will be sent from 65015. Message and data rates apply.