Active employees navigate to myADP under Benefits and select on ‘View Forms and Documents’ to view more detailed information.
Short term disability
Short Term Disability (STD) is a company-paid benefit provided to all eligible full-time employees. Coverage is available at 70% of your base wage times scheduled work hours. Employee may use Paid Time Off (PTO) to supplement the 30% of the STD benefit does not cover. However, one cannot receive greater than 100% of their regular base wage with the combination of STD and PTO.
STD benefits begin after five consecutive scheduled work days or 40 consecutive scheduled work hours, whichever is less. This time is referred to as the elimination period. PTO may be used for this elimination/waiting period but is not required. The maximum benefit duration is 13 weeks as allowed for under the Plan. Please refer to the STD Income Protection Summary of Benefits for more information.
Long term disability
Long Term Disability (LTD) acts as a continuing source of income if you are unable to work due to long-term injury or illness that takes you past Short-Term Disability coverage.
Coverage through Prudential is available at 66.67% of your total monthly earnings (as defined by the Policy and your applicable Class) up to a maximum benefit of $15,000 (to all eligible full-time employees).
LTD benefits begin after a three-month elimination period and is available as outlined in the LTD Policy insured through Prudential. The cost of this benefit is paid entirely by Prevea Health and benefits if received are fully taxable to the employee. Employees are automatically enrolled in this benefit.
Questions or need help making changes?
Contact Shari Baer at [email protected] or Marcy Clark at [email protected]