Online Childbirth Education Class


Young mother with newborn baby in a hospital bed Young mother with newborn baby in a hospital bed

Our online childbirth class is ideal for expectant parents. The eight-chapter program is an interactive, web-based class that uses videos, personal birth stories, animations, activities, and games to teach all the essential information parents need to know to prepare for their birth.


Our online childbirth class will help you:

  • Understand pregnancy – what’s happening to your body, discomforts, warning signs, nutrition, exercise, and more

  • Learn about labor – preparing for birth, pre-labor signs, onset of labor, 3D animation of labor process, and more

  • See how the stages of labor unfold – watch amazing real-life birth stories

  • Discover helpful comfort techniques – breathing, relaxation, massage, visualization, focal points, hydrotherapy, labor and pushing positions, advice for partners , and more

  • Learn practical postpartum tips for infant care, breastfeeding and going home


More dates coming soon.